
Movin’On Impact - Economy of functionality

At a day-long event co-organized with BASF xarvio Digital Farming Solutions, BNP Paribas, Michelin, Saint-Gobain and ADEME, Movin'On brought together its partners to work and speed up the transition to an economy of functionality.

By replacing the sale of goods with the sale of their use, companies are adopting a way of working that saves resources and defines new sales models. Movin'On and partners have been working on this disruptive shift for over a year.

What role can an economy of functionality play in a corporate strategy?

Despite the considerable economic and societal appeal, stakeholders are not moving towards an economy of functionality as naturally as we might imagine.

Faced with what appears to be a cultural and economic disruption, a good number of obstacles still need to be overcome to make the economy of functionality a reality: cooperation right along the value chain, financing capabilities, European regulation, risk sharing and the sharing of value, the illusionary role of integrator... all these key issues will be addressed.

6 workshops to address the key levers of an economy
of functionality with players who are making EF a reality

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For a sustainable social service economy:
from ownership to use

According to the EESC, a service economy must be both social and sustainable: the eco-design of products that takes on board consumer needs with the objectives of products being repairable and recyclable, of greater value given to the roles of women and men in the way companies operate, and of greater attention paid to consumer needs, satisfaction and protection.

Locally, players in the service economy are creating links that contribute to the development of an ecosystem. Discover the recommendations promoted in this notice published by the EESC.

Corporate experiences
in the economy of functionality

The French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) supports the development of functionality as one of the pillars of the circular economy.

This study draws up a typology of the players involved in supporting this new model in France. It also lists the initiatives undertaken with ADEME's support, and identifies the mechanisms and factors facilitating or hindering the development of an economy of functionality.It is based on documentary reviews, interviews with players and group meetings, and provides a number of avenues for action.

The deployment of an economy of functionality relies on the ability of local players to maintain links and cooperate in the general interest, thereby fuelling a virtuous loop that is ready and waiting for development.

panorama national pistes action economie fonctionnalite