
Universal mobility: are we all equal when it comes to mobility?

1 September 2022

Universal mobility: are we all equal when it comes to mobility?

For many, mobility represents a real cross to bear, a succession of pitfalls to avoid... And yet, it is simply a matter of getting from point A to point B.

Easy for some... A real ordeal, however, for others when mobility is restricted: people with reduced mobility (PRM) of course, who are affected every day. But also the elderly, the obese, small people, pregnant women, people with children, or more surprisingly, people carrying heavy luggage... The list goes on and on.

As such, accessibility will clearly one day concern every citizen... So for an issue that is everybody's business, where do we stand today?

While the last few decades have seen the emergence of concepts such as "barrier-free design", "design for all", "inclusive design", progress reports are still too few and far between. As a result, the PRM market remains largely untapped and rich in opportunities.
Un enjeu de taille pour le secteur public comme le secteur privé.

A challenge of sustainable mobility that is sometimes overlooked, which we will explore with:

Audrey Hénocque, First Deputy Mayor of Lyon

Laurence Ullmann, Futures Analyst - Michelin Group

Thomas Côte, Founder of Wever

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