
Electric mobility: the conundrum of supply and demand

7 June 2022

Electric mobility: the conundrum of supply and demand

In this episode we address a problem that every electric car owner has experienced one time or another: the difficulty in finding a charging station. This is the number one obstacle to people switching to this type of vehicle.  

Pour développer le réseau des stations de recharge et surtout lui permettre d’être rentable, les opérateurs comptent sur un grand nombre de véhicules à batteries en circulation. C’est alors que le dilemme de l’œuf et de la poule s’impose à nous : faut-il plus de bornes de recharge électrique pour voir plus de voitures, ou bien plus de véhicules pour plus de bornes ? 

Europe has just over 300,000 charging points. This is still a long way from the European Commission's target of one million by the year 2025. 

While Sweden, Norway and Denmark are all very well equipped, the champion country is the Netherlands with nearly 80,000 charging stations up and running, far ahead of France and its 60,000 charging stations spread over a territory that is 10 times larger. 

Without an accessible, reliable and high-powered network, motorists may be tempted to keep their internal combustion vehicles. 

Are governments doing enough to develop the network of terminals? What roles can and should private operators be playing? Can innovation solve part of the problem?  

We answer these crucial questions with our guests:  

  • Louis Du Pasquier, in charge of carbon draw-down issues at Vinci Autoroutes. 
  • Sylvain Laval, Vice-president of the Grenoble metropolitan area and President of the Grenoble area mobility syndicate. 
  • Pascal Nouvellon, president of Watèa, an electric mobility solution for professionals.

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