
Automotive: the revenge of low tech?

24 March 2023

Automotive: the revenge of low tech?

In this episode, we unravel a trend that people are talking about more and more in the automotive industry: Low-Tech, as distinctly opposed to High-Tech.

It is a concept that favours the use of simple, inexpensive technologies that are accessible to all, easily repairable and environmentally friendly. Low tech also advocates the sustainable consumption of materials and matter.

In this day and age of the electric vehicle, there are two visions face to face.

On the one side, vehicles that are crammed with technology, screens and computers, taken to the extreme by Tesla with their imposing, ultra-connected cars packed with high-tech innovations...

On the other, we find much more understated, lightweight cars designed for daily motoring such as the 100% electric Dacia Spring or the tiny Citroën AMI, which is limited to two seats and equipment stripped down to a bare minimum. This is also the case with La Gazelle, made from composite materials in micro-factories.

What if innovation were the absence of technological innovation?

A fascinating question which our guests set out to answer:

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